Not For Everyone:品宣企划的五位参与者


Jul 16th 2019






在以优异的成绩从布雷拉美术学院毕业之后,他于2004年开始与TheBagArtFctory艺术团队合作创作。2007年,他加入了TDK Crew,这是一支在米兰极具历史意义的团队,也是意大利艺术界享有最高盛誉的团队之一。


奥梅尔的人生就像不断地在攀登一堵墙,那堵墙既是真实存在的,也是想象出来的,就是为了让他自由地发挥他的创造力以及表达他口中的“视觉情感”。可以确定的是,这绝非平凡的人生 #Not For Everyone





然而埃尔顿的人生绝不仅限于冲浪教学,从2011年起,他就开始参加了很多国际比赛,并赢下了风筝冲浪大赛海浪组的世界冠军。三年之后,他自己组织了一项赛事(Red Bull Unfastened),并且在GWA海浪和无吊带自由式巡回赛中取得了更大的成功。2016年,他在塔里法职业风筝冲浪大赛中再次折桂。2017年,他在自己的家乡赢得了另一座世界风筝冲浪大赛冠军。

对埃尔顿而言,风筝冲浪、冲浪以及世界大赛远远不能让他满足。他总是在追寻一种与众不同的人生。这就是为何他设计了一种装有特制箔鳍的特殊冲浪板,这能让他真正意义上飞跃海浪。正因如此,一项新的运动诞生了——用类似于飞机起飞的原理,不需要海浪或是大风就可以在水面上滑行,无论是在溪面、湖面还是河面。从事这样一项运动需要力量、坚持和毅力,绝非所有人都能做到 #Not For Everyone



Stermy在2001年开始了他的电竞生涯,他参加了世界电子竞技大赛“雷神之锤III竞技场”项目的比赛。15岁时,他在韩国举办的一项赛事中闯入决赛,成为了世界上“雷神之锤III竞技场”享誉盛名的一位职业玩家。之后,他把目光转移到了“恐惧杀手”,并继续在这款游戏中取得成就。2005年,他在最终的冠军赛中取得了季军的成绩,并参加了世界电子竞技系列赛,得到了全世界的关注。从射击类游戏到像“星际争霸II”这样的战略类游戏,他是第一个参与冠霸电玩挑战大会(CGS)的FIFA玩家,也曾为Fancisco Optx游戏战队效力过两个赛季。作为队长,Stermy带领他的队伍在CGS世界冠军赛中取得了第二名的成绩。2009年开始,Stermy开始专注于“雷神之锤在线版”,并且在2009年到2011年的Quakecon锦标赛上取得了前三的成绩,还在2011年与队伍一起赢得了Dreamhack夏季和冬季赛事的冠军。

成为职业电竞选手是一条充满荆棘的道路,你必须努力赢下每一场比赛。你需要为自己树立一个名字,日复一日去证明自己。因为要在虚拟世界取得成功,很可能会比在真实世界更为艰辛,并不是所有人都能取得成 #Not For Everyone.




杰西卡永远都不只是一名模特。她还有着慈善家、大使和传教士的身份。她是一位拥有阿拉伯血统的澳大利亚人,她将这两种灵魂的特质结合,在很短的时间内便在全球拥有了很高的知名度,并向外界传播一条积极而独特的信息 #Not for Everyone


敢于梦想,这是D. LAB Dance所宣扬的励志格言。 段婧婷是这所舞蹈实验室的创始人以及艺术总监,她是一位芭蕾舞者,一位舞蹈剧场演出制作人,一位艺术家。


在2014年,她退居幕后并创建了D.LAB DANCE,这所舞蹈实验室的培训范围包括专业与非专业、成人及少儿,培训重点是芭蕾舞和现代舞,辅以中国古典舞。目前D.LAB DANCE已经成为上海首屈一指的集剧场演出、舞蹈培训、品牌商业为一体的专业艺术机构。

与此同时,她也参与了许多与舞蹈相关的电视节目,从《武林争霸》到《这就是街舞》,她还为原创综艺节目《幻乐之城》进行编舞。段婧婷具备着非同寻常的气质,她因此受到许多精品时尚杂志的青睐。她的面庞展现着勤奋,努力和坚持,这些品质让她得以在充满挑战和决心,如蝴蝶般翩翩起舞的舞蹈世界中取得成功 #Not for Everyone

AIRTON COZZOLINO For him, surfing is not just a sport, but an attitude, a religion, a way of life. Growing up with a surfboard at his feet, the waves have always been in Airton Cozzolino Lopes’s destiny.

He was born in 1994 in Ilha Do Sal, a small island in Cape Verde off the coast of West Africa, a paradise for the world's greatest kitesurfers due to the strong winds of the Atlantic.

Airton was just four years old when he came into contact with a surfboard for the first time. He spent his teenage years surrounded by surfers, from whom he learned the art of riding the waves, and he’s managed to refine his skills through the years and many trips out to sea. In 2010, he was adopted by the Italian Libero Cozzolino, who moved to Capo Verde to become a kitsurfing instructor. It’s a passion that brings father and son together, so much so that they’ve founded two kitesurfing and surfing schools – one in Capo Verde and one in Chia, Sardinia.

But Airton's life is not limited to teaching. Cozzolino has taken part in many international competitions since 2011, when he won the kitesurfing world championship in the wave category. Three years later, he organised his own competition (Red Bull Unfastened) and achieved further success at the GWA Wave & Strapless Freestyle Tour. In 2016, he won the Kitesurfing Pro in Tarifa, while he took home another World Kitesurfing title in 2017.

Kitesurfing, surfing and competitions aren’t enough for someon like Airton, however, an athlete who is always on the lookout for something that reflects his life, a life that is not for everyone. This is why he has designed a special surfboard equipped with a special foil fin that allows him to literally fly over the water. Through this, a new sport comes into being, one which – by using a very similar principle to that of a plane taking off – requires no waves or wind to glide over the water’s surface, irrespective of whether that water belongs to a stream, lake or river. A discipline which requires strength, persistence and perserverence, a discipline which is Not for Everyone.

STERMY Two names are in play here: one tells the life of a man from Liguria and an adopted Londoner, the other a story of success in a virtual world, a world full of adversaries where it’s becoming harder to break through as each day passes. In 15 years as a gamer, Alessandro Avallone, who is more widely known as ‘Stermy’, has recorded numerous international wins in ten different games or, as he calls them, ‘disciplines’. While he dreamed of becoming a professional footballer when he was young, over time he discovered that he could become a winner in the world of online gaming.

Stermy began his career as a gamer in 2001, when he took part in the World Cyber Games, more specifically the Quake III Arena tournament. At the age of just 15, he qualified for the finals in South Korea and became one of the world's most highly acclaimed professional Quake III Arena players. He then turned his attentions to Painkiller and continued to be successful. In 2005, he came third in the final championship event and also took part in the World Series of Video Games, through which he gained international visibility. From shooting games to stategic games, he became the first professional player to get involved in the Championship Gaming Series (CGS) as a FIFA player, competing as part of the Francisco Optx team for two seasons.  As captain, Stermy led the team to second place in the CGS world finals. Since 2009, Stermy has primarily specialised in Quake Live, finishing in the top three at the QuakeCon tournament from 2009 to 2011 and winning the Dreamhack Summer and Winter events with his team in 2011. In 2012, he took part in Shootmania Storm, winning every tournament he competed in, including two world titles in the Electronic Sports World Cup and IGN Pro League. In 2017, he switched to new ID Software title Quake Champions and finished second at QuakeCon. In 2019, he claimed his most recent title, winning the European edition of Twitch Rivals.

Becoming a professional gamer is like an obstacle course, you take it game by game. You have to make a name for yourself and demonstrate on a daily basis that competing in the virtual world can be tougher than in the real world. Not everyone succeeds, it's something that’s Not for Everyone.

JESSICA KAHAWATY Life as a model doesn’t just consist of catwalks, dresses and parties. Continuously travelling from one country to another, from one continent to another, allows young girls to experience different cultures, languages and beliefs on a regular basis. It also allows them to change the way they see things. This is why Jessica Kahawaty can’t just simply be labelled as a model.

Jessica is an ambassador for some of the world's top brands, from IWC Watches to Louis Vuitton, and she’s appeared on the covers of pubblications such as The New York Times, Vogue Worldwide, Elle, L'Officiel, Conde Nast Traveler, Harper's Bazaar and Marie Claire. She has also presented television programmes. But this was never enough for her. Jessica has chosen to go down a path which is not for everyone, using her name to shine a light on issues of global interest and encourage young women to reach their full potential through education and the arts. Her background in Business Finance and Human Rights Law has allowed her to work with international NGOs and humanitarian organisations. Through these, she has encountered very different realities, from the largest refugee camp in Syria through to observing the Rohingya crisis after visiting Bangladesh with the United Nations.

Jessica is not just a model. Jessica is a philanthropist, an ambassador, a missionary. An Australian with Arabic origins, she’s united her two souls and managed to take advantage of being under the spotlight and her name, which became well-known globally in a short amount of time, to spread a positive message, to spread a different message, a message that says: Not for Everyone.

DUAN JINGTING Dare to dream. This is the inspirational and rousing message sent out by D. LAB Dance, the dance school founded and directed by Duan Jingting – a dancer, a choreographer, an artist.

After graduating from the Shanghai Dance School, she won the Special Jury Prize in the Shanghai International Ballet Competition, became the "Best New Ballerina" of the 20th Varna International Ballet Competition in Bulgaria and came third in the seventh National Taoli Cup Dance Competition of Junior Group. She became part of the Shanghai Ballet and Hong Kong Ballet, playing all the major roles in the great classical ballets.

In 2014, she moved behind the scenes and founded the D.LAB DANCE, a school dedicated to both professional and beginner dancers, to children and adults. Many different dances are practised, ranging from classical and modern dance through to traditional Chinese dances. All of this has led to it becoming one of the most well-known schools in Shanghai.

She takes part in a number of television programmes dedicated to dance, from ‘Street Dance of China’ through to ‘Shake it up’, while she also creates the choreography for the show ‘PhantaCity’. Her grace and elegance – traits that not everyone possesses – make Duan Jingting one of the most sought-after artists for fashion magazines. Her face tells the story of hard work, effort, the necessary perseverence to succeed in the world of dance – a world of strong and determined butterflies. A world that is Not for Everyone.

STERMY Due nomi, uno che racconta la vita di un normale ragazzo ligure ma londinese d'adozione, l'altro che narra una storia di vittorie in un mondo virtuale, un mondo pieno di avversari in cui emergere è ogni giorno più difficile. Alessandro Avallone, nome reale del più conosciuto «Stermy», in 15 anni da gamer professionista ha collezionato una lunga serie di vittorie internazionali in 10 differenti giochi o, come le definisce lui, 'discipline'. Se da piccolo sognava di diventare un calciatore professionista con il tempo ha scoperto di poter diventare un vincente nel mondo del gaming online, il nuovo orizzonte digitale sportivo.

Stermy inizia la sua carriera di gamer nel 2001 quando partecipa ai World Cyber Games, nello specifico al torneo di Quake III Arena. A soli 15 anni riesce a qualificarsi alle finali in Corea del Sud e diventa uno dei giocatori professionisti di Quake III Arena più acclamati del mondo. Da Quake passa a Painkiller e continua a mietere successi. Nel 2005 ottiene il terzo posto nell'evento finale del campionato e partecipa al circuito World Series of Video Games, conquistandosi una visibilità internazionale. Dagli sparatutto passa quindi ai game strategici e diventa il primo giocatore professionista a competere in Fifa alle Championship Gaming Series (CGS), gareggiando con il team San Francisco Optx per due stagioni. Come capitano della squadra, Stermy conduce il team al secondo posto nelle finali mondiali CGS. Dal 2009 a oggi Stermy si è specializzato prevalentemente in Quake Live, piazzandosi nei primi tre posti al relativo torneo del QuakeCon negli anni dal 2009 al 2011, e vincendo i Dreamhack Summer e Winter nel 2011 con il suo team. Nel 2012 ha preso parte a Shootmania Storm, vincendo tutti i tornei a cui ha partecipato, tra cui 2 titoli mondiali - Electronic Sports World Cup e IGN Pro League. Nel 2017 è passato a Quake Champions, nuovo titolo della ID Software, portando a casa il secondo posto al QuakeCon. Nel 2019 l'ultimo titolo, il primo posto Europeo al Twitch Rivals.   Stermy è uno dei co-fondatori di FACEIT, la piattaforma leader per le competizioni online nei giochi multiplayer PvP, dove gestisce la parte esport e gaming come Chief Gaming Officer.


Diventare un gamer professionista è come una corsa ad ostacoli, partita dopo partita. Devi rendere il tuo nome memorabile, dimostrare ogni giorno che la competizione nel mondo virtuale può essere più difficile di quella nel mondo reale. E farcela non è da tutti, farcela è una qualità Not for Everyone.

JESSICA KAHAWATY La vita da modella non è solo passerelle, abiti e feste. I viaggi continui da un paese all'altro, da un continente all'altro, permettono a ragazze giovani di confrontarsi continuamente con differenti culture, lingue, credenze. E di cambiare. È per questo che Jessica Kahawaty non può essere definita semplicemente una modella.

Jessica è ambasciatrice di alcuni tra i top brand mondiali, da IWC Watches a Louis Vuitton ed è apparsa sulle copertine di riviste come New York Times, Vogue Worldwide, Elle, L'Officiel, Conde Nast Traveler, Harper's Bazaar and Marie Claire, oltre ad aver presentato alcuni programmi televisivi. Ma questo per lei non è mai stato abbastanza. Jessica ha scelto di percorrere una strada non da tutti, usando il suo nome per accendere la luce su temi di interesse globale e spingere le giovani donne a raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale attraverso l'educazione e le arti. Il suo background nel Business Finance and Human Rights Law gli ha permesso di lavorare con alcune ONG internazionali e con organizzazioni umanitarie grazie alle quali è entrata in contatto con realtà molto diverse, dal campo profughi più grande della Siria, alla visita con le Nazioni Unite in Bangladesh, per la crisi del Rohingya.

Jessica insomma non è solo una modella. Jessica è una filantropa, una ambasciatrice, una missionaria. Australiana di origini arabe, ha unito le sue due anime ed è riuscita ad approfittare delle luci dei riflettori e del suo nome diventato in poco tempo internazionale per diffondere un messaggio positivo, diverso, un messaggio Not for Everyone.

DUAN JINGTING Osate sognare. È questo il messaggio ispirazionale e stimolante della D. LAB Dance, il laboratorio di danza fondato e diretto da Duan Jingting, una ballerina, una coreografa, un'artista.

Dopo il diploma alla Shanghai Dance School, vince lo 'Special Jury Prize' della Shanghai International Ballet Competition, diventa 'Best New Ballerina' nel 20° anno della Varna International Ballet Competition in Bulgaria e ottiene il terzo posto nella settima National Taoli Cup Dance Competition of Junior Group. Entra a far parte dello Shanghai Ballet e dell'Hong Kong Ballet interpretando tutti i maggiori ruoli dei grandi balletti classici.

Nel 2014 Duan si sposta dietro le quinte e fonda la D.LAB DANCE, un laboratorio dedicato a ballerini professionisti e principianti, bambini e adulti, che spazia dalla danza classica alla moderna alle danze tradizionali cinesi, tanto da diventare una delle realtà più riconosciute di Shanghai.

Partecipa a numerosi programmi televisivi dedicati alla danza, da 'Street Dance of China' a 'Shake it up' oltre a realizzare le coreografie per lo show 'PhantaCity'.

La sua grazia ed eleganza non da tutti rendono Duan Jingting una delle più amate artiste di alcune riviste di moda. Il suo volto è infatti in grado di raccontare la fatica, lo sforzo, la costanza necessari per emergere nel mondo della danza, un mondo di farfalle forti e determinate, un mondo Not for Everyone.

English versionItalian version


MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 24: President and Ceo Sport Giuseppe Marotta of FC Internazionale speaks to the Media during the FC Internazionale press conference ahead of Coppa Italia match between FC Internazionale and SS Lazio at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza in San Siro on February 24, 2025 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)


Feb 24th 2025



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